Grief Support for Parents
Grieving the death of a child is unlike any other experience. Dealing with emotions, difficult questions, doubts and fears can feel overwhelming at times. It's important to find help and encouragement from others who have been there. Oftentimes, this can be therapeutic. A supportive group can help mothers and fathers process their loss and begin the difficult work of healing.
Helping Yourself to Grieve
Say Their Name
Talk about your child often. Use his or her name.
Prepare Ahead
As much as you can, prepare ahead for difficult questions. Be sure to prepare for difficult comments, too. Most people are not trying to be disrespectful, but may have a hard time knowing what to say or how to respond to your loss.
Ask for Help
Remember that you are not alone in the process. It's ok to ask for help with everyday activities and tasks. This will give you much needed time to grieve.
Special Days
Take time to decide how you will mark special days like your child's birthday and the anniversary of their death. You may want to reminisce or spend the day alone. Plan ahead.
Take Your Time
You are not on anyone's timetable. Take your time in deciding what to do with your child's belongings and room. Do not rush the process to pack up or give away your child's items.
Reach Out
Consider reaching out to other parents who have gone through the loss of a child. Also, there are several support groups out there to help deal with grief and loss.